What type of doctor treats varicose veins? According to our vein doctors in California

What type of doctor treats varicose veins?
Phlebologist is the official terminology for a doctor who treats varicose veins, spider veins, and other vein problems. Phlebology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of vein problems, such as spider veins and varicose veins. As such, phlebologists, aka vein doctors, are responsible for spider vein and varicose vein treatments. Phlebologists can come from all fields of medicine, such as anesthesiology, dermatology, or cardiology, but they must have specialized training in minimally invasive vein treatments.
Which doctor should I consult for varicose veins?
If you’re looking for spider vein and varicose vein doctors in California, you can consult the board-certified vein physicians at our centers for vein treatment in California — Dr. Billy Schoenfeld and Dr. Jasmine Koo. We individually select the country’s best vein doctors from the leading medical schools, residency programs, and fellowships, and our doctors have specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of vein disease. As such, if you want to consult a varicose vein doctor, you can schedule an appointment at our vein treatment centers.
Do dermatologists deal with varicose veins?
Dermatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin concerns. Varicose veins, meanwhile, are the outward manifestation of an underlying vascular problem known as chronic venous insufficiency. Dermatologists often provide treatments for spider veins and varicose veins, but they usually focus on cosmetic relief — they can remove the superficial varicose veins and spider veins from your skin’s surface without addressing the underlying vein disease. However, this approach leads to a high rate of vein recurrence.
In some cases, dermatologists may also have specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. If you find a dermatologist who also has advanced training as a phlebologist, you can go ahead and consult them about your varicose veins. The primary goal is to find a vein doctor who always understands the root cause of your varicose veins before recommending a treatment. As such, if you consult a dermatologist, please ask them if they have specialized training in the treatment of venous insufficiency.

Do you see a cardiologist for varicose veins?
Cardiology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular conditions. As such, a cardiologist with advanced training in vascular medicine is the ideal doctor for varicose vein treatments. Since they have a deep understanding of the cardiovascular system and circulatory system, they can diagnose and treat the root cause of varicose veins. However, you must find a cardiologist who only uses minimally invasive procedures for spider veins and varicose veins — no surgery.
What is the main cause of varicose veins?
Chronic venous insufficiency is the primary root cause of varicose veins and most other vein problems. Venous insufficiency is a circulatory disorder wherein the collapse of vein valves leads to backward blood circulation and the accumulation of blood in leg veins. The continued accumulation of blood in leg veins leads to vascular dilation and the eventual formation of spider veins and varicose veins that bulge out of the skin’s surface. Some of the most common risk factors for vein disease include genetics, age, biological sex, obesity, and pregnancy.
When should I seek treatment for varicose veins?
You must seek treatment for varicose veins whenever you notice the first signs and symptoms of vein disease. The presence of varicose veins indicates that you’ve already had underlying vein disease for a few months or more because it takes time for your veins to dilate enough to bulge outwards. As such, you should ideally consult a vein doctor when you notice the early warning signs of vein disease, such as leg heaviness, frequent leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, throbbing leg veins, leg swelling, leg pain, and spider veins. The symptoms of vein disease usually worsen at the end of the day or after long periods of sitting or standing still.
Are compression socks good for varicose veins?
Compression socks are skin-tight garments that apply pressure on your leg veins. If you have varicose veins, they’ll push some of the accumulated blood towards your heart, thus alleviating the worst symptoms of vein disease. However, compression stockings offer mild and temporary relief — the symptoms of vein disease will return after you stop wearing compression socks. You must consult a vein doctor for long-lasting relief from varicose veins.
What’s the best treatment for varicose veins?
Radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and venaseal are some of the best treatments for varicose veins. During these procedures, the vein doctor makes a small incision on the skin’s surface to insert a catheter. The catheter is driven under ultrasound guidance into the diseased saphenous vein, where it channels thermal energy or laser energy to destroy the problematic vein. The diseased vein is absorbed by the body, and the accumulated blood reroutes into healthier leg veins, restoring optimal blood circulation to the heart.
How can I stop varicose veins from progressing?
If you want to stop varicose veins from progressing, you must implement lifestyle changes that improve blood circulation towards the heart. You should walk frequently and engage in cardiovascular activities that work your calf muscles, such as running, swimming, and cycling. You should also wear compression stockings and elevate your legs above your heart’s level while sitting. You should also take regular walking breaks if you have a desk job. Most importantly, you must consult a reliable vein doctor who can diagnose and treat the root cause of varicose veins.
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